Monday 19 November 2012

Blue Ribbon Buns

Ini di ambil dari Buku Resep Baru :

If bread machine users gave out blue ribbons, this recipe would win!

The Method is a bit unusual -- the yeast is mixed with sugar and warm water 
before the dry ingredients are added -- but it works.

For dinner rolls, hamburger buns or hot dog buns,
this is as deliciously easy as it gets.


2 tbsp Granulated Sugar ( gw pake caster sugar )
1 1/2 tsp Instant or Bread Machine Yeast ( gw pake yang instant )
1 Cup Warm Water ( 43 derajat Celcius )
1/4 Cup Vegetable Oil
3 Cups Bread Flour
1 tsp Salt


Add sugar, yeast and water to the bread pan. 
Let stand for 10 minutes or until yeast starts to bubble.

Add Oil. Spoon Flour on top of liquid. Add Salt

Select the Dough cycle and press Start.

When the cycle is finished, transfer dough to a floured surface 
and punch down gently. Divide into 8 pieces. 
Form each piece into a bun. Place at least 5 cm apart on prepared
baking sheet (gw tarong 1 cm apart aja ). Cover with a clean towel 
and let rise for 45 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 180 C.

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until risen and lightly browned and
an instant-read thermometer inserted in the centre of a roll 
registers 90 C (gw sih ngga ukur ). Remove from pan ad let cool on a wire rack.
Serve warm or let cool completely.

Ini hasilnya :

Yang pertama ini.. Saking semangatnya..
gw salah ambil tempat Flour.. Bukannya Bread Flour..
Gw pake Plain Flour.. Hasilnya tetap ngembang
rasanya pun enak tapi teksturnya lebih padat.

Akhirnya selagi adonan pertama dipanggang,
gw bikin lagi adonan berikutnya dengan menggunakan 
Bread Flour.. Lebih ringan teksturnya, lebih bouncy :-)
Rasanya sih sama aja, tergantung selera aja..
mau yang padat or yang ringan :-)

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