Saturday 15 February 2014

Heart-shaped Choco Cookies

Love is in the air!!

Bahan :

200 g Butter, suhu kamar
1/2 Cup Gula
1 Kuning Telur
1/2 Cup Choco Powder
1 3/4 Cups Tepung Terigu

Caranya :

Panaskan oven 180 derajat Celcius.
Siapkan 2 Loyang, alas dengan Baking Paper.

Mixer Butter dan Gula sampai lembut.
Tambahkan Kuning Telur

Ayak Choco Powder dan Tepung Terigu dan campurkan ke dalam campuran Butter-Gula-Telur.

Roll dengan penggiling yang di alas Baking Paper kemudian potong dengan cetakan berbentuk hati.

Letakkan dalam loyang dan panggang dalam oven selama 10-12 menit.
Dinginkan selama 5 menit sebelum di pindahkan ke Cooling Rack.

Ingredients :

200 g Butter
1/2 Cup Caster Sugar
1 Egg Yolk
1/2 Cup Choco Powder
1 3/4 Caups Plain Flour.

Method :

Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celcius. Line 2 oven trays with Baking Paper.

Beat Butter and Sugar together until light and creamy.
Add egg yolk.

Sift Choco Powder and Flour and stir into mixture. 

Roll out between sheets of Baking Paper and cut out stars with a heart cutter.

Place on oven trays and bake for 10-12 minutes.
Cool on tray for 5 minutes before transferring to wire racks.

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