Friday 2 September 2011

Sambal Bawang

Udah beberapa kali bikin Sambel ini,
Rasanya ya blom mirip :-)
Mungkin karena kelamaan ditumis 
jadinya teksturnya lebih kering.
Bisa juga karena yang dipakai bawang bombay.
Next time mo nyobain pake Shallot.
Wish me LUCK!

Stir fry whole chillies, shallots and garlics until wilted. 
Remove from the pan and drain. Leave the oil in the pan.

In a blender, 
add the sauteed chillies-shalot-garlics 
mixture with salt and blend.
After blend...

Re-heat the pan with oil, 
transfer the crushed chillies and shallot mixture. 
Stir fry until done or the colour change to darken. 
Cool down at a room temperature.

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