Thursday 11 October 2012

Vanilla Chiffon

Resepnya ambil dari Vivian Pang Kitchen
Ingredients :
5 Yolks
30 g Castor Sugar
60 g Vegetable Oil
90 ml Milk
 1 Vanilla Bean
(gw pake Vanilla Extract 1 tsp)
120 g Cake Flour
6 White Eggs
1/2 tbsp Lemon Juice
(pake 1 tsp vinegar)
60 g Castor Sugar
Caranya :
Cook the milk + Vanilla Extract with low heat till boil.
Pour Egg Yolks and Sugar in a bowl. Whisk till Sugar dissolves.
Add Oil,Vanilla+Milk into the bowl. Stir well.
Fold in Sifted Flour and mix till smooth
In another bowl whisk the egg whites till frothy. Add Vinegar the sugar gradually and beat till stiff.
Fold in 1/3 of the whites into the Yolk Mixture till well incorporate
Pour the Mixed Batter into the remaining Egg Whites bowl. Fold gently till well combine.
Pour into 22 cm Chiffon Mould. bake at 160C for 45 Mins.
(jangan buka-buka ovennya)
Once cooked remove from oven. Immediately invert and leave to cool. When Cake is cold remove from mould.

17 Oct 2012
Finally gw berhasil bikin Chiffon tanpa peyot-peyot :-)
Improved :-) Mixer Egg Whites nya lamaan.. sampe kaku bener!

Agak deg-deg an juga pas nunggu dinginnya..
Biasanya kempes sebelah..
Kalo rasa sih ngga usah ditanya..

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