Tuesday 2 September 2014

Bacon and Cheese Muffin

Kalo di otak gw.. denger Muffin langsung ke pikir nya..
"manis" "afternoon tea"
Kali ini pengen yang lain sekalian buat Lunch Box nya LnTJ

Savoury Muffin
Suka banget!! Cheesy!!

Ingredients :

2 Cups Plain Flour
1 tbsp Baking Powder
1 tsp Salt
Black Pepper to season
1 Cup Milk
2 Eggs
1/4 Cup Melted Margarine
1 Cup Diced Bacon
1 Cup Shredded Chedar Cheese
2 Spring Onion, Sliced the white part only.

Instruction :

Pre-heat 180 degrees Celcius
Grease muffin pan with non-stick cooking spray.

Combine Flour, Baking Powder, Salt and Black Pepper.
Stir to combine.

Add Milk, Eggs and Melted Margarine.
Mix until combine.

Add Diced Bacon, Cheese and Sliced Spring Onions.
Mix just until combined. Do not over stir.

Scoop into muffin pan to 3/4 full.

Bake for 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.

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