Monday 10 November 2014

Black Pony Cafe, Coogee

"This eatery, just blocks from Coogee Beach, is named after a pet owner, Kate Geale, had when she was five."

- Chai Latte-

Ke Black Pony Cafe ini sengaja banget.
Mengejar THE BEST Cafe di Sydney,
Salah satunya ya..

Breakfast All Day? PERFECT!


Spicy Chorizo, house baked beans, poached egg, tomato jus and 
crispy damon serrano and you choice of toast.
$ 16.50

Brioche French Toast with Canadian Maple Syrup and Bacon
$ 15.50

Biasanya kan French Toast itu pake Strawberry ya?
baru di sini nih ngeliat ada pake Bacon.
Joelle happy banger! Karena dis suka banger French Toast
tapi juga suka something salty after that.

Scrambled eggs on Sourdough + Bacon
$ 9.50

"The Juliette" - The Signature
Avocado, Vine Ripened Tomatoes, Goats Cheese, Crispy Sage and Extra Virgin Olive Oil on Sourdough
$ 15

Dari jauh kelihatannya antri, sempet mampir di Cafe lain karena udah laper banget dan pengen langsung duduk.
Tapi kok ya balik-balik sini lagi!
Untung langsung bisa duduk walaupun outdoor,
cuaca cerah, ngga banyak orang yang lalu-lalang juga.

Baru duduk ngeliat cewek di sebelah makannya enak banget!
Tanpa malu bertanyalah..
Daripada ngiler sendiri :-)
Ternyata... The Signature "The Juliette"
Dan emang bener enak.. Cocok buat vegetarian.. ada juga on Polenta with a Poached Egg.
Tapi ini aja udah enak banget!!
Avocado + Tomato ternyata ya.. COCOK!

Mari dinikmati sebelum kelaperan :-P

Black Pony Cafe
52 Coogee Bay Road
9664 9440

Mon, Tues, Sun : 7am - 4pm
Wed - Sat : 7am-late

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